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Shed Hunting Season is Upon Us!

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Educational Blog

It’s been an interesting winter for much of the country, especially the midwest. Those of us in the midwest experienced a short arctic blast and some snow in January, but much of the rest of the winter has been relatively mild for most folks. With the milder winter, it seems like people have been getting out picking up sheds earlier this year than past winters when there has been more snow cover. Even if you’re in an area that still has snow on the ground, you can still use that to your advantage to find sheds. See below for how you can scout for sheds, even with fresh snow on the ground.


Our friends at The Breaking Point are some of the best and most dedicated shed hunters that I know. I’ve learned a ton from them over the years. If you’re looking for some good shed hunting tips and shed hunting related content, check out their YouTube channel! Here are a few of my favorite shed hunting videos from them over the years.







So, get out there and find some antlers over the next couple of weeks! Take your significant other, take your kids, go with friends. It’s a great time to be in the woods and start putting the puzzle pieces together for this coming fall!


Josh Hillyard – Tethrd’s Partnership & Community Manager 


P.S. – You’re gonna want something to carry all those sheds back home with you….we highly recommend the FAS Pack + Compression Kit Bundle – FOUND HERE!